The undeniable, unexplainable adventure of love is soon to be celebrated again on Valentine’s Day. In Love’s defense, it is too often mistaken for a fleeting emotion. The word “love” is used far too much. As love is not the lustful, pitter-patter experience of a new fling, or the preoccupation with designer accessories, or even the most consistent and intense cravings for chocolate. No, true love is much more steady, constant, unchanging and reliable.
I heard the other day that the Sweetheart candy company pumps out 5 billion hearts each year. In the recent past, they changed their original recipe from artificial to more natural flavors, which (to my surprise) was actually unpopular with the candy consumers… so they changed the recipe yet again. Have you noticed pop-culture inspired phrases in your box? That change to popular phrases started in the 90s and the company receives tons of suggestions for new phrases each year.
Today, phrases like “free wifi,” “zero calories,” and “no baggage fees” are super sweet to me. However, I also know there are sweeter phrases, ones that transcend time and will never require updating or change to remain so sweet. These phrases, like true love, will remain steady, constant, and reliably sweet.
Words Like Honey’s Sweetheart Suggestions
- I love you
Not a new “sweetheart saying,” but my list had to include it. The three little words that can never be said enough… to your spouse, your children, your parents, your friends, and never forget yourself.
- Jesus loves you
Whether sang or said, no statement is truer. This I know.
- I do
The covenant between husband, wife, and God is a knot of three strands… not easily broken (Ecclesiastes 4:12). May we never take these vows lightly and may we honor the sanctity of marriage as God intended for the betterment of those persons, families, and all society.
- It’s a boy/girl
When Wade and I announced we were having another boy, a few folks asked if we were disappointed that we weren’t getting one of each (boy and girl). However God chooses to design our family is His perfect plan, and I am forever grateful to be chosen as the mother of my children. Being a mom of two boys has been the most rewarding (and exhausting) experience of my life. My celebration is only dampened by my heartbreak for those women who yearn for such an experience, and for those who don’t yet correlate their bundle of joy with miraculous blessing. Please know I’m praying for you, sisters.
- Well done
Everyone needs an “atta boy” every now and then. The affirmation of a job well done is often enough to spur employees to continued excellence, verses the ol’ cracking of whips. I greatly appreciate such encouragement from superiors, but I long most to one day I hear it from my Savior… “Well done, my good and faithful servant,” (Matthew 25:21).
- Happy birthday
So, I know not everyone is born in February…. Or on Labor Day as my sister-in-law once thought. “Happy birthday” remains two of my favorite words because it’s a celebration of life. What a gift!
- Made from scratch
You knew I had to talk about food, right? And what is better than something ‘made from scratch’? Umm… nothing. Now I have a sudden craving for biscuits. Pardon my Southern-girl roots.
- I’m sorry
Confession: these are the hardest words for me to say. “I’m sorry,” has never rolled off of my tongue very easily. It’s pride, and I’m working on it. I’ve learned that confession is a beautiful thing when properly realized. It frees our soul to move forward and not be hindered by past sinful actions or thoughts. Saying “I’m sorry” isn’t as simple as we lead children to believe, but it is far more important than we’ve ever emphasized.
- You can always come home
There is so much pressure in this world to “make it.” I’m still unsure what defines success by society’s standards—mainly because that definition fluctuates with our worldly whims—but I’m thankful to have a supportive family and a place I can go and indulge in comfort foods and constructive conversation. Need such a place? Our door is always open.
- Amen
We profess “amen” meaning “so be it,” confirming truths and emphasizing agreement. When uttered at the end of a prayer, this small word packs a large amount of faith. We are professing our belief that God hears us and that He will act. Amen to that!
What are some other phrases “like honey”…. good for the soul, and healing to the body? Happy Valentine’s Day, ya’ll!
Referenced Verses:
- And if someone overpowers one person, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not easily broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12 (HCSB)
- “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’
Matthew 25:21 (NIV)